By John Andrews
ONTARIO—Father John Vieira gathers with the Portuguese community at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish every Sunday to celebrate Mass in their shared native tongue.
By John Andrews
ONTARIO—Father John Vieira gathers with the Portuguese community at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish every Sunday to celebrate Mass in their shared native tongue.
By Sister Hortensia Del Villar, S.A.C.
The Laudato Si Committee of the Diocese of San Bernardino in collaboration with St. Joseph Parish in Big Bear, are coordinating the second annual Care for Creation Day, focusing this time on celebrating the life of our Native American brothers and sisters whose legacy speak about the value of living in harmony with all of creation.
In October, the Catholic community in the Diocese will pray for and bless those serving in the legal community, public safety and healthcare professions, with its annual Red, Blue, and White Masses.
By Malie Hudson
CHINO HILLS—Every pew of St. Paul the Apostle Church in Chino Hills was filled on August 25 with people wishing to join Bishop Gerald Barnes in celebrating the Ordination of 11 men to the Permanent Diaconate.
The Fifth National Encuentro of Hispanic/Latino Ministry (V Encuentro) is a historic ecclesial gathering of 3,000 Hispanic/Latino Ministry leaders/delegates from dioceses, ecclesial movements, schools, universities and Catholic organizations from across the country.
By Natalie Romano
SAN BERNARDINO—While other eight-year-old girls were dressing Barbies and riding bicycles, Yolanda Siordia was trying to end her life. Not once, not twice but three times. It’s an urge she still fights today.