Father Tony Das Neves, a retired diocesan priest who served in active ministry here for more than three decades, recently returned to the country of his birth, Portugal, to continue his retirement. Fr. Das Neves served as pastor of St. Vincent Ferrer, Sun City; Christ the Good Shepherd, Adelanto; St. Mel, Norco; and St. Joan of Arc, Blythe.
Diocese celebrates 95 graduates from CMFP program
YUCAIPA—The flagship lay formation program of the Diocese, the Continuing Ministries Formation Program (CMFP), produced 95 graduates this year and they were celebrated by Bishop Gerald Barnes, diocesan staff, family and friends at a special Mass June 24 at St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Church in Yucaipa.
Two community organizing groups to receive local CCHD grants
By Marge Bitetti
The United State Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) awards millions in grant monies each year to organizations that support the social mission of the Church through the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).
To qualify, organizations must fully uphold the teachings of the Church and must not participate in or promote activities that contradict Catholic moral and social teaching.
K of C Chapter makes its largest ever donation to Diocese
On July 5, several of the officers from the Arrowhead Desert Valley Chapter of the Knights of Columbus met with Bishop Barnes to present to him with their annual donation for the support of Diocesan Seminarians.
The history of emancipation and Juneteenth
By Lois Carson
As the celebrations of Juneteenth increase across the country, it is time to delve into the history of the event, to get the facts straight and clarify its relation to the Emancipation Proclamation declared by President Abraham Lincoln.
National Conference to commemorate 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae coming to Diocese
By Sheila St. John
ONTARIO—The 50th Anniversary of the Papal Encyclical Humanae Vitae will be commemorated at a national conference held in the Diocese of San Bernardino on July 27-28.
Written by Pope Paul VI, Humanae Vitae emerged from discussions that began in 1960 after the invention of the new birth control pill. It prompted an articulation of the Church’s teaching on the regulation of birth and responsible parenthood. By 1963 St. Pope John XXIII established the Pontifical Commission on Population, family and birth rate, known as the birth control commission.