As the registration period began Sept. 16 for the Independent Compensation Program (ICP) for Victim-Survivors of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests, an Oversight Committee formed to ensure the program is properly carried out held a press gathering to discuss their participation.
Conference focuses on care for the sick and dying
The Diocesan Office of Respect Life and Pastoral Care continued in its efforts to raise awareness of the Catholic pastoral and theological approach to caring for the sick and dying with a conference, “Embracing Our Dying—Preparing for End of Life,” held at the Diocesan Pastoral Center on September 21.
“Patrick’s Story” shows value of the Drug Court program
By Judge Michael Sachs
Special to the BYTE
Drug Court is a specialized criminal court. Defendants who have been convicted multiple times for drug offenses are referred there as a “last chance” to stay out of prison. Successful graduates of drug court will have their cases dismissed so long as they complete their program. Their program includes completing at least five Narcotics Anonymous meetings a week, attending group counseling sessions and regular drug testing. Failure to successfully complete any of these tasks may lead to prison time and disqualification from the program.
Court-Clergy Conference focuses on mental health
SAN BERNARDINO—The local Church continued to explore the impact of mental health challenges experienced by many community members, this time at the semi-annual Court-Clergy Conference held at the Diocesan Pastoral Center on September 18.
Solar projects answer call to care for creation (and save a few bucks)
By Natalie Romano
You might be sick of high temperatures and the summer sun but diocesan leaders say, ‘let there be light!’
That’s because the Pastoral Center is joining a growing list of local parishes that are harnessing the region’s abundant sunshine to power its facilities.
The Diocese broke ground on its Solar Energy Project on August 16th. The construction consists of 1,011 solar panels designed to produce more than 543 kilowatts of energy. The panels will be installed on a new carport that includes two charging stations for electric vehicles. Additionally, drought tolerant plants and decomposed granite will replace some traditional grass landscaping.
Come Celebrate the Beauty of California!
By Sister Hortensia Del Villar, S.A.C.
The Diocese of San Bernardino will be celebrating its Third Annual Care for Creation Day with a special focus on promoting the Pastoral Statement on the environment by the Catholic Bishops of California: “God Calls Us to Care for Our Common Home.” (Click here for event flyer)