While many Catholics consider receiving the eucharist to be the central experience of Mass, breaking open the Word of God in the scriptural readings is equally important.
Bishop Barnes ordains three religious priests
The new year brought a new vocational journey for three men as Bishop Gerald Barnes ordained three religious priests on consecutive Saturdays in January.
OneLife LA walk draws hundreds from Diocese
Portions of this article were originally published in the January 24 edition of the Angelus magazine of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
The Catholic faithful of the Diocese of San Bernardino was again represented strongly on January 18 at the Sixth Annual OneLife LA, a march in support of the dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death.
Coadjutor Bishop Alberto Rojas Commemorative Issue
Click here to view/download this special edition of the Inland Catholic Byte welcoming our new Coadjutor Bishop Alberto Rojas.
Bishop Rojas introduced as Coadjutor
SAN BERNARDINO—After months of anticipation, the Diocese met its new Coadjutor Bishop, Alberto Rojas, at a Dec. 2 press conference at the Diocesan Pastoral Center.
Bishop Barnes to lead Diocese for additional year
SAN BERNARDINO—Bishop Gerald Barnes will continue to shepherd the Diocese of San Bernardino past his 75th birthday next June, he told a gathering of Diocesan priests on Dec. 4.