By Rosa M. Gouveia
As we prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation for youth and adults within our Diocese, we are reminded of the great grace we receive as we are empowered by the gifts of the Holy Spirit for our life’s journey.
Let us be mindful, God is present in our lives since the moment of our conception, and we are welcomed into the community of faith through Baptism. The Holy Spirit guides us throughout our life’s journey and leads us to faithfully follow Christ Jesus. As written in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Sacrament of Confirmation “offers the newly confirmed strength as a true witness of Christ. Thus, the newly confirmed is “more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed (cf. CCC, 1285).”
In many ways it is a time of renewal, not a graduation from faith formation. Although the Sacrament of Confirmation completes the Sacraments of Initiation for Catholics, it is not the destina-tion of our faith! We are far from learning everything about our Catholic faith, no matter what the age at time of reception. Contrary to popular belief, Confirmation really is a new beginning, not a certificate of completion in faith.
Just as Baptism gives new life, Eucharist nourishes life, and Reconciliation restores life when it is broken, Confirmation strengthens that life by the gifts of the Holy Spirit (cf. CCC 1285). It is about strengthening what God has given, and continues to give, to his sons and daughters (cf. CCC 1302-1303).
We are called by name to follow Christ personally, individually and communally throughout our life’s journey and to grow into a more personal and committed relationship with God as we become more fully active and engaged members of the living Body of Christ, the Church.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church lists five effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation:
1. It roots us more deeply in the divine filiation [as children of God] which makes us cry, “Abba! Father!”
2. It unites us more firmly to Christ.
3. It increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us.
4. It renders our bond with the Church more perfect.
5. It gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ, to confess the name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of the cross.
These effects strengthen us for a lifelong journey of discipleship. The words printed in bold are not definitive, rather they denote an ongoing process of fulfillment. Our faith is a daily journey of giving and receiving; learning and sharing; and actively inviting others to join us in discovering the presence of God in our world today.
Please allow me to share some simple symbols that I have found help me recall the gifts of the Holy Spirit that I use to associate each of the Spirit’s gifts which have been so very generously given by God. As I use these everyday objects, I am often reminded of the gifts of the Holy Spirit when I come across them in my daily life and it helps keep my faith alive in a concrete manner. It’s my simple way of looking for God in the ordinary things of my daily living.
Knowledge – Smarties candy, so I may know the person of Christ and recognize God’s presence, within, among and all around me; it is also the knowledge of my faith which gives me another perspective of God.
Understanding – Heart, to help me live my faith with meaning and apply it in word and action, as I actively process the information, traditions and teachings of the faith.
Wisdom – A birthday candle, to recognize what is truly important and meaningful in my life as a child of God; this gift matures with age and experience.
Right Judgment (Counsel) – A double ticket, to help me recognize right from wrong and to make positive moral choices.
Courage (Fortitude) – A transformer, to strengthen us, so as to intentionally choose life in Christ and reflect it in daily living;
Reverence (Piety) – A Pentecost prayer card, to remind me to seek the holy in all things and look for God in all creation
Wonder & Awe (Fear of the Lord) – A seashell, to help me appreciate all God created and so generously shares.
It is my hope that this helps you to think of the Sacrament of Confirmation with a new and/or renewed perspective. May you take the opportunity to seek and discover God in new ways daily and share the gift of God with others as you strive to be an active, missionary disciple who generously shares the presence of Christ with others!
Rosa M. Gouveia is the Director of the Diocesan Office of Catechetical Ministry.