Now is the time, more than ever, together with our Lord Jesus Christ, to dream the impossible and make it happen. This enthusiastic invitation is for all of us: children, teenagers, young adults, adults and the elderly. With Jesus Christ at our side it can and will be done!
Together with our Lord Jesus Christ, the Office of Vocations for the Diocese of San Bernardino is dreaming the impossible and finding ways to make it happen. I share with you just one concrete example of how the Vocations Office is living out the vision. Several months ago, an idea came to gather young adults from all over the Diocese who were discerning a vocation to the priesthood for a three day retreat in Baker, CA.
At first, like many things, this idea seemed impossible. After all, did we even have enough young adults discerning a vocation to the priesthood to go on a retreat? Not to mention, if we did have the men, would they be willing to travel all the way to Baker for a weekend retreat?
As you can imagine, these questions and many other things, tried to discourage the dream. However, together with our Lord Jesus Christ, the Office of Vocations and the good will of many individuals made this three-day retreat possible. On October 23-25, this vocations retreat took place at Our Lady of Desert Mission in Baker, CA. It was a powerful retreat filled with countless blessings and much enthusiasm that affirmed the desire to dream!
Our Lord Jesus Christ asks you and me to trust Him always. We trust in Jesus each time we dare to dream the impossible and by making things happen for the glory of God. I encourage you to never stop dreaming and to never give up. I believe and I have seen that together with Our Lord Jesus Christ the impossible is made possible all for the glory of God!
Fr. Javier Gonzalez-Cabrera is Associate Director of Vocations in the Diocese of San Bernardino.