SAN BERNARDINO—Three months ago it looked like Mary’s Village, a proposed transitional housing facility for men in San Bernardino, had hit a dead end with the City Council.
National Pilgrim Virgin Statue tours Diocese
The National Pilgrim Virgin Statue of the World Apostolate of Fatima will be visiting the Diocese of San Bernardino from March 7 through April 2.
The statue is a hand-carved image of Our Lady of Fatima that was given to the United States by the Bishop of Fatima in 1967 and was blessed by Pope Paul VI during his visit to Fatima that same year.
Pre-inauguration fast opens up dialogue at Riverside parish
By Natalie Romano
RIVERSIDE—Conventional wisdom says never talk about religion and politics but local Catholics did just that, following Bishop Gerald Barnes call for post-election prayer and fasting over the 18 days leading up to President Donald Trump’s inauguration.
Black History Month is a time to stand
By David Okonkwo
Black history month comes around every year. Most of us do the same thing we do every year. But this year we ask that we add something to our usual or start something new for the greater good. We are calling for a more “arms open wide” kind of relationship, extending our hands to our neighbors, to all peoples, immigrants, across culture even in the cloud of our unknowns about the “other.”
Spiritual Direction: a ministry of presence and guidance
The second of three articles advises on how to find a Spiritual Director
By Lenora Grimaud
Spiritual Directors usually do not advertise. Unlike therapists, they don’t go into private practice and put out their shingle.
However, one can call the Diocese or their parish priest. The Diocese has a list of all certified Spiritual Directors in the Diocese. Some parishes have a list of Spiritual Directors in their parish. Retreat Centers also often have a list of Spiritual Directors they can refer.
San Bernardino Vicariate Cross of Mercy begins journey to parishes
On January 12 at the 5 p.m. Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in San Bernardino, Father Dennis Nobleza explained to the people the coming journey of the Mercy Cross created last year for the San Bernardino Vicariate. The journey will be a reminder to all to continue to live Mercy and to practice the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. Father Christian Vera Cabrera, CORC, Parochial Vicar, blessed Henry Arriola and Melvin Mendez representing those receiving the cross from St. Bernardine Parish.