By Natalie Romano
SAN BERNARDINO—More than 300 faith leaders gathered at the Diocesan Pastoral Center on Nov. 17 for the Fifth Annual Ark of Safety Forum and a lesson in how to survive an active shooter.
By Natalie Romano
SAN BERNARDINO—More than 300 faith leaders gathered at the Diocesan Pastoral Center on Nov. 17 for the Fifth Annual Ark of Safety Forum and a lesson in how to survive an active shooter.
By Anna Hamilton
RIVERSIDE—Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Riverside hosted a public safety forum on November 9 designed to bolster relations between local police and the communities they serve.
By Marge Bitetti
SAN BERNARDINO—In reflection of the Thanksgiving holiday, members of several faith traditions gathered at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral in San Bernardino on Nov. 21 to share prayers, songs and words of gratitude to the creator, God.
SAN BERNARDINO—The Ministry to Family and Friends with Gay and Lesbian Catholics hosted its second annual Advent Mass and potluck on Dec. 9 at the Diocesan Pastoral Center.
By Natalie Romano
More than a month after their brush with death, a Riverside couple that survived the Las Vegas tragedy is now leaning on their Catholic faith to help them cope. Greg Speer, who serves as president of the Pastoral Council at St. Andrew’s Newman Center, took a bullet to the back during America’s deadliest mass shooting. His wife of 30 years was unharmed.
BOSTON, MA—Bishop Gerald Barnes was one of 12 bishops from around the world invited to participate in a two-day reflection and discussion of Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”) at Boston College.