Sunday 17 March 2019, 03:30am - 05:30pm
Hits : 644
A parish visitation is when the Bishop visits a parish in order to encounter his community, interchange experiences with the priests and religious, recognize and commend the efforts of the parish community and its ministries by celebrating the spirituality of the parish faithful and experience the life of the parish through the services it offers. Additionally, it allows the Bishop to provide guidance and focus on the future of the parish through pastoral recommendations based on the Diocesan Vision.
Town Hall
A highlight of the visitation is a town hall meeting with the Bishop. The town hall affords the community and the Bishop the opportunity to have an open interaction. Using information gained from the visit, the parish profile, and the information provided on the parish response cards, the Bishop hosts a 2 hour open forum to listen to the community and to share the present and future of the parish.
Location St. George, 17895 San Bernardino Ave., Fontana