Wednesday 08 May 2019, 08:30am - 04:00pm
Hits : 671
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"Finding Hope in a Changing World"
Keynote Address 1: Comparative Study of Understanding of Spirituality and Accepted Norms of Social Life in the late 20th Century and Now by Dr. Amanda Alexander
Keynote Address 2: The Psychological Impact and Sociological Consequences of Loneliness (lack of family and community support) as it relates to End of Life Issues by Dr. Megory Anderson, Ph.D.
Workshops to be presented on topics relating to
- effects of changing family dynamics on the millennials
- impacts of stigma on mental health challenges
- embracing the joys, gifts, beauty and challenges of life
- a panel discussion on issues of mental health challenges from different ethnic/cultural perspectives
Registration information can be found at:
Location Diocesan Pastoral Center, 1201 E Highland Ave., San Bernardino